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Name: Bustamite RRUFF ID: R040014 Ideal Chemistry: Mn2Ca2MnCa(Si3O9)2 Locality: Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia Source: University of Arizona Mineral Museum 13651 [view label] Owner: RRUFF Description: Orange fragment Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis |
Mineral Group: [ Wollastonite (6) ] |
CHEMISTRY | ||||||||||
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RAMAN SPECTRUM | ||||||||||||||||||||
INFRARED SPECTRUM (Attenuated Total Reflectance) | |||||||||||||||
RRUFF ID: | R040014.1 | |||||||
Sample Description: | Powder | |||||||
Cell Refinement Output: |
a: 9.844(1)Å b: 10.755(1)Å c: 7.128(2)Å alpha: 99.58(2)° beta: 99.76(2)° gamma: 83.878(9)° Volume: 731.0(2)Å3 Crystal System: triclinic |
REFERENCES for Bustamite | |
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record] |
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Hutton C O (1956) Manganpyrosmalite, bustamite, ferroan johannsenite from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, American Mineralogist, 41, 581-591 [view file] |
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Aksenov S M, Shipalkina N V, Rastsvetaeva R K, Rusakov R V, Pekov I V, Chukanov N V, Yapaskurt V O (2015) Iron-rich bustamite from Broken Hill, Australia: the crystal structure and cation-ordering features, Crystallography Reports, 60, 340-345 |